The Workstation Representation.

Workstation Representation

  • Cycle Time: The Cycle Time is the time available between the exit of two consecutive products from the line.
  • Idle Time: The Idle Time of a workstation is the difference between the Cycle Time and the total operating time of that workstation.
  • Operating Time: The Operating Time of one Operation is its duration.(Learn more about cycle time here)
  • Maximum Variant Time: The Maximum Variant Time of a workstation is the maximum total operating time for that workstation, among all variants.
  • Minimum Variant Time: The Minimum Variant Time of a workstation is the minimum total operating time for that workstation, among all variants.
  • Spread: The spread of one workstation is the difference between its Maximum Variant Time and its Minimum Variant Time.
  • Max Peak Time: As the Maximum Variant Time does not generally correspond to all the variants and the average operating time as always to be lower than the Cycle Time, one authorizes the Total Operating Time of one workstation to be larger than the cycle time for any particular variant. Its maximum authorized value is called the Max Peak Time. It is generally defined as the Cycle Time plus a percentage of it in supplement.(Learn more about max peak time here)

    If a station has more than one operator, an orange box showing the number of operators will be drawn in the center of the station as showed on the left picture. To get the detailed schedule of each operator switch to the Operator Tab. If the position field is defined for an operation or a workstation, additional information will be drawn on the stations. Learn more on positions here.

Explicit Variant Mode

    If you switch to the variant representation of the graph using the variant navigator, the selected variant is drawn on the right of each workstation, as shown in the figure on the left.

Implicit Variant Mode

    If you switch to the variant representation of the graph using the variant navigator, all the operations will be colorized by their own variant.