The Operations Tab Toolbar Buttons

New Project Button : This button will create a new empty OptiLine project

Open Project Button : This button will show an Open Project Dialog

Save Project Button : This button will show a Save Project Dialog

Undo Button : This button will undo the last action done. There are multiple level of undos. If you leave the arrow pointer on the button, a hint containing the next undo message will pop up.

Cut Button : This button will cut the selected operations. You can paste them in the same project or into another one.

Copy Button : This button will copy the selected operations. You can paste them in the same project or into another one.

Paste Button : This button will paste the selected operations. If the target project has the same number of variants, the variants of the operation will also be pasted

Zoom in Button : This button will change the level of zoom of the precedence graph

Zoom out Button : This button will change the level of zoom of the precedence graph

Search Button : This button displays the search operation dialog box. If multiple operations correspond to the query, they will all be selected in the precedence graph.

Add An Operation Button : This button adds a new operation to the precedence graph.

Add An Successive Operation Button : This button adds a new operation successive to the selected one. Note that this button is only accessible if only one operation is selected.

Add successor(s) Button : This button will adds successors to the selected operations. Click on the button, and then move the pointer to the precedence graph and choose a predecessor for the selected operations by clicking on it.

Edit Link Button : This button will pop up the Link Dialog.

Graph Selection Parameters Button : This button will show a dialog which gives you the opportunity to change the operation graphical positions of a multiple selection. This option is useful to untangle a freshly created precedence graph.

Variant Button : This button will turn the precedence graph to the variant mode.(to learn more about the variant navigator click here)