How do I Assign an Operation to a Workstation ?

    To assign an operation to a particular workstation you have to switch to the Workstation Tab.

  • If the operation is not yet assigned to a workstation, select it in the Workstation Tab table, its "OD ID" field should be colored red, and its station field empty. Click on the operation's row to select it in the table as shown in the below table.

The operation table in the workstation tab ("Oper 1" is selected and not assigned)

    The upper part of the window should be refreshed and some colored arrows drawn on the top of it as shown in the following picture.(Learn more about the upper part of the Workstation Tab here)

The line representation

    The red arrows show the workstation zone where the operation can be assigned to respect the precedence constraints. The green arrows show where the operation can be assigned to respect the other constraints (such as zoning, station type...). For example on the left figure, the operation "Oper 1" can only be assigned to the workstation 3 or 4, because its type is robotized while the other workstations in the red arrow zone are manual. To assign the operation, click the "Assign" button.

Assign button



  • If the operation is already assigned to a workstation, you can follow the same procedure as above, or simply click on the operation and drag it onto desired workstation as shown in the following picture.

Dragging an operation between two stations
    You can only drag an operation to a station with a green arrow. This insures that all the constraints will be respected by the new operation assignment.