The Classification Compare Window

    The Control Panel features buttons used to import data to and export data from the Classification Compare window:

  • The "Add Current" button imports into the window the classification currently being shown in ArrayMiner's main graphic window
  • The "Update current" button replaces a selected classification by the one currently being shown in ArrayMiner's main graphic window. This is useful for monitoring the changes in the classification during ArrayMiner's optimization process
  • The "Open Scheme" button allows you to open a previously saved classification (amc extension). This is extremely useful for comparing classifications performed with different parameters, in particular different numbers of clusters. Several classifications can be open simultaneously. If you are running under GeneSpring, you can directly open a GeneSpring classification (xml extension) by browsing the directory of GeneSpring corresponding to your organism, opening its classification folder, and choosing the appropriate classification.
  • The "Paste" button generates a classification from clipboard (See How do I create a classification from clipboard page)
  • The "Save Scheme" button allows you to save a classification selected in the Display Panel, so that you can subsequently compare it to other classifications of the same data.
  • The "Copy" button copies the classification into the clipboard.

  • The "Remove All" button deletes all classifications
  • The "Remove Selected" button deletes a selected classification from the window

  • The "Spread All Vert." button readjusts the vertical spacing in all classifications (learn more on cluster adjustments here)
  • The "Spread Vertically" button readjusts the vertical spacing in the selected classification
  • The "Match Colors" button attempts to match as well as possible the comparator's graph colors with the current solution cluster colors

  • The "Show Outliers" checkbox allows you to show or hide connections to and from unassigned (outlier gaussian model only) items.
  • The "Spreadsheet" button switches to the table mode of the classification compare window
  • The "Graphics" button switches to the graphical mode of the classification compare window
  • The "Low-fit item filter" lets you choose the minimal fit of a gene to display a link. This quality measure is calculated with the current clustering criterion on the left side of the link. If there are no genes with high enough quality, the link disappears. You can also click on the percent box to choose this value more precisely.