The ClassMarker Result Tab Curves Mode

    You access this mode by clicking the Curves button in a result tab.

Result tab curves mode

    The part A in the figure on the left behaves as in heat mode. The B part shows you a curves representation of the activities of the marker genes discriminating one class, and the C part the quality of the prediction per sample. You can change the class being shown in part B by using the class selection buttons located beween the B and the C part.


The Curves Part of the Curves Mode window (B Part)

     You can select a particular gene by clicking on it. The selected gene will be colored cyan. The two buttons on the bottom of the graph let you select how the curves are displayed. The Full mode will expand the curves to the full height of the B Part.
    You can change the displayed class by selecting it with the buttons on the right of the Full and Normal buttons (these buttons are located between the B and the C part of the previous figure).

Curves mode and multiclass

    If you use the multi-class mode of ClassMarker, there could be more buttons (B and C in the above figure). As in non muticlass marking, the A button lets you choose the discriminated class. In the above figure, the selected class is named Brain_Rhab and is shown by the D arrow. There are two additional classes used for discriminating, shown by the two E arrows. The color of genes corresponds to the gene's subgroup : the selected class alone, or the selected class plus one other. In the above figure, they are all drawn because the B selector is in the All position.

Multi-Class Curves Mode Main Group

    If you use the B selector, you will be able to select one subgroup of the selected class.

Multi-Class Curves Mode Secondary Groups

    In the previous figure, a secondary group is shown. It discriminates the selected class (green arrow) and an another class (gray arrow) against all the other classes. If you now check the Show Add. Markers, the genes that discriminates only the selected class (green arrow) and the other class (gray arrow) will also be drawn (they will be drawn in gray). These genes are used to find to which class of the subgroup belongs one particular sample. If we don’t use them, we could not determine if a sample belongs to the gray or the green arrow class.

The Histogram Part of the Curves Mode (C Part)

     This histogram shows for each class the quality of the prediction. If the bar is green, the prediction was successful, a red bar means the prediction failed (the sample was re-classified into a class other than the sample's). If a red bar (failed sample) has a high score (higher than some of the green bars), it is probably misclassified.