The preferences window

    This window is accessible via the Preferences button in the footer of the Main Window. It has two tabs :

1) Colors Tab

    This tab is divided into two parts. The left part shows the old (current) colors, and the right part the new (to be applied) colors.

     The clusters color section affects the color assigned to each cluster in the different graphical modes. The "Reset Colors" button will reset the colors to ArrayMiner default colors.

    The heat map settings section lets you choose a new color gradient for the heat map.The "Reset Palette" button will reset the colors to ArrayMiner default colors (Green,Black and Red).

2) Others Tab

  • Clusterer section

    • Show cluster size in 2D/3D : This option will append the cluster size to the cluster label when displaying the data in 2D or 3D mode. Note that the "Names" option must be selected in order to display the labels.

  • Class-Marking section
    • Show hide orf in heat map mode : This option will hide / show the orf at the right part of the heat map in all the heat map representation of the classmarker. When this option is checked, you can use the Size slider to define the width in pixels of the orf text in the display.
    • Show hide description in heat map mode : Same as above but affects the description field of each gene.