Server Connect Window
    To authenticate you with the server, you first need to specify the server location by entering its name/IP and Port in the Server Address fields. You have then to enter a valid login and password.

     If the server is not accessible, you will get a "Check IP or port" message. A message telling you that your login or password is incorrect, means that you successfully connect to the server but probably incorrectly introduced your login.

    If the OptiLine server is using SSL protection you have to go to the "Options" Tab and select the "Use SSL" checkbox. Keep in mind that a SSL server is incompatible with a non-SSL client and vice-versa.

    The "Options" tab lets you change your password. The "Find Server" button, if present, will open a web page with the currently available servers. If the log window does not show JSSE installed, you probably do not fully install the Java Machine and will not be able to connect to the server using Secure Socket Layer. Contact your network administrator for more details.